Saturday, January 17, 2009


So this is my very first blog and I am not really sure how to do this yet, but I got a little inspired from my best friend Debbie to start journalizing my life. So I was talking to my family and friends from back home and feel compelled to wonder how they EVER still survive weather where it is 20s and lower? And possible blizzards? I actually get cold just thinking about it. So a burning question that I get quite often is : WHEN ARE YOU MOVING BACK HOME? hmmmmm....... highs of 10 and below?? I think I am going to have to pass for a few years!!!! The thought of my body aching because it is so cold that you can hardly stay warm for 2 seconds really does not appeal to me at all.. So with that, I really cannot say when I will move back.

However, speaking of blizzard, I feel like life in general can be a blizzard. Sometimes when things are going great and I feel like I have a lot of my life in control, all of a sudden it hands me a huge whirlwind of unknowns and I find myself not knowing what to do all the time. Do you ever just sit there sometimes with no words because there are so many thoughts racing through your head at once that you cant put them into complete sentences? Or you sit there thinking that you had a plan laid out for what was going to happen next and then the plan you thought was going to play out didnt at all? Its funny how life is so easy to change and the options and different paths it can lead you down. Some may be good, some may not be so good.

With that....In a couple weeks, I may be writing my blogs from a different city....

To be continued...


  1. Hey Mollie! Welcome to blogworld. I wrote a bunch but my browser messed it up so it didn't post. Bottom line, I'm with you on the weather. I've avoided going back to Ohio for almost 2 years due to the cold. I enjoy Orlando even when it's "cold" at 40s or 50s since it always gets warm again by mid-day. Hope work is great - we're sweating cuts coming in the next week or so. Take care!

  2. So I am the first follower of your blog!! Way to go Molls! I think this is awesome. Although I would hate for you to move, I hope you are happy with wherever you might be going. Keep me updated!! Love ya!

  3. lovin' it already!!! miss you babe :) i'll be checking in on your blog weekly! miss youuuu!!
